Announcing 141 Certified Lean Practitioners
These individuals have completed the requirements for earning the Certified Lean Practitioner designation.
They have gained hands-on experience with the most powerful tools used for lean transformations, completed a lean project, and passed the certification exam.
As a lean practitioner, they are able to manage projects, lead value stream mapping sessions, identify waste, design improvements, implement improved value streams, and monitor new processes.
Congratulations to the following for earning a Lean certification:
- Adam Buglio
- Adel Husayni
- Alden Phillips
- Allen Wigfall
- Alurah Williams
- Amanda Craig
- Amber Bennett
- Amber Powell
- Amy Barstad
- Andrew Parises
- Andy Kuhns
- Arielle Lopez
- Ashley Bradford
- Ashten Rea
- Austin Alexander
- Benjamin Sekinger
- Bethanie Meiners
- Bill LaMantia
- Brandon Hill
- Brandy Gonzalez
- Brennon Goss
- Bria Johnson
- Brooke Reinert
- Bryant Naumov
- Cecil Ivy
- Chinthaka Attanikitha Pathiranage
- Christine Jacob
- Christopher Mariano
- Christopher Smith
- Colley Mcgee
- Cori Lovern
- Cory Edmonds
- Crystal Williams
- Cynthia Burton
- Daisha Washington
- Dan Roth
- Dan Santiso
- Daniel Huggins
- Deric Masten
- Devin Jeter
- Dilni Sathkumara
- Elinor Snyder
- Elise Velez
- Elizabeth Ragona
- Eric Lignieres
- Erik Barfuss
- Evan Seurynck
- Glasia Walker
- Grayson Hartness
- Hanna McMurtrey
- Hannah Chauvin
- Helmuth Naumann
- Jack Darnell Givens
- James Powell
- James Vincoli
- Jamie Price
- Jamie Rondot
- Jamie Thibodeaux
- Jason Chuff
- Jennifer Durda
- Jennifer Mendoza Badilla
- Jeremy Marcouiller
- Jeremy Spaunhurst
- Jessica Jargowsky
- Jill Kane
- Jim Reed
- Jo Ann Vieke
- Joel Holmes
- John Duerr
- Johnny Scott
- Jordan Edwards
- Jordan Giddens
- Jordan Sims
- Joseph Chastain
- Joseph Marks
- Joseph McDonnell
- Joshua Mol
- Kacy Payton
- Kaitlyn Borris
- Karilyn Woodard
- Katherine Key
- Katie Hicks
- Katie Moon
- Kayla Wynn
- Kayte Grigsby
- Kourtney Smith
- LaKeashia Watson
- Laura Holmes
- Lauren Hicks
- Leah McKeough
- Lindsay Morgan
- Lucia Meyer
- Lyna Nguyen
- Maria Cortes
- Marvin Mata
- Mary Helen Abel
- Matthew Crane
- Meg Greway
- Melissa Brim
- Mia Barrington
- Michael Campos
- Michael King
- Michael Wirfs
- Michelle Drake
- Nathan Makanoff
- Nicole Patterson
- Paul Merryman
- Pedro Garcia
- Pedro Pena
- Rachael Oden
- RaDerisha Hunt
- Renesha Yarbrough
- Richard Gandee
- Richard Lee
- Robert Key
- Robert Reeves
- Roxanna Aidi
- Ryan Doyle
- Ryan Huerta
- Samantha Aull
- Samantha Nguyen
- Sarah Caddy
- Seth Hall
- Shannon Brown
- Shelby Wadel
- Shelly Bergeron
- Sonia Yeghkian
- Sonny Behrends
- Spencer Adams
- Steven Meaux
- Tarek el Bizri
- Terrance Brown
- Thomas Fritts
- Tonya Dawson
- Tracey Soper
- Veronica Grin
- Wayne Williamson
- Wyatt Ticer
- Yash Chavda
- Zachary Achord
- Zachary Josker
Who Are Certified Lean Practitioners?
This program is designed for all types of individuals working at an organization seeking to make a Lean Transformation.
Examples include individuals working in:
- Healthcare Services
- Product Development
- Maintenance
- Human Resources
- Manufacturing
- Customer Service
- Supply Chain
- Sales
- Food Service
- Engineering
- Logistics
- Retail
- Information Technology
- Financial Services
- Field Service
- Marketing
- Hospitality Services
- Sourcing
- You
Lean works on any functional area which has waste!
Our project-oriented approach supports people from any functional area and gives this Lean certification course a competitive advantage you won’t find with most other classes.
Top 5 Personal Benefits of Earning a Lean Practitioner Certification
Career Advancement
Our Certified Lean Practitioner course provides a complete package of education, application, and coaching for those seeking to learn and gain hands-on experience with the most powerful tools used for a Lean Transformation. As a Lean Practitioner, you will be able to manage projects, lead value stream mapping sessions, identify waste, design and implement improvements, and promote continuous improvement. Success with Lean projects and continuous improvement efforts will help propel your career.
Organizational Value
Managing Lean projects will deliver significant performance improvement for your organization. Eliminating waste will improve the quality of products, services, and processes. Equipped with a solid understanding of Lean principles, concepts, and terms, you will collaborate effectively with stakeholders and project team members to deliver exceptional results and promote a culture of continuous improvement.
Should you be next?
Would you benefit by continuing your education and becoming a Lean Practitioner in your organization?
The Certified Lean Practitioner program will supply you the knowledge and skills required to use the most powerful tools used for Lean Transformations.
Isn't it time...
Credential Registry
We are members of the Credential Registry, an organization dedicated to providing up-to-date information about all credentials, a common description language to enable credential comparability, and a platform to search and retrieve information about credentials.
The best credentials are found at the Credential Registry.
Learn more at Credential Registry.
How does Certified Lean Practitioner relate to the other certification levels?
Lean Apprentice is the introductory certification and is designed for everyone at an organization which is pursuing a Lean Transformation.
Lean Practitioner, this certification, gives you hands-on experience leading a value stream mapping project.
Lean Expert gives you hands-on experience leading a problem solving project.
Lean Master walks you through an assessment of your organization’s Lean Transformation program and helps you build an improvement roadmap.
You can learn more at Lean Education Standards.
Is a practitioner the same as a green belt?
Historically, belts have been used for Six Sigma certifications, a methodology focused on reducing variation. Some companies have applied the belts to Lean training. The Green Belt would be a close match to Practitioner, but it can be confusing as a Practitioner practices Lean and a Green Belt is focused on Six Sigma.
Collaborating with our customers and others, we have gone with Practitioner as it’s a clear connection to a role required at organizations pursuing a Lean Transformation.
You can learn more at Lean Education Standards.
How long does it take to obtain a Lean Practitioner certification?
For most people, your time investment will be about 4 to 6 hours per week for 14 weeks. Since the course is self-paced, you can go faster or slower.
The scope of your value stream mapping project will have the most influence on the time it takes you to complete the class.
What is involved with a Value Stream Mapping project?
A Value Stream Map is a visual representation of the activities and flows of materials, services, and information required to accomplish specific objectives.
A Value Stream Mapping project is a team-based systematic approach to map the current state, identify waste, map the future state, and implement improvements.
You can learn more at What is Value Stream Mapping?
What type of projects have been done by other Certified Lean Practitioners?
Previous students have completed projects from all types of functional areas. Common themes for projects include reducing cycle time, increasing flexibility, improving quality, or eliminating wasteful activities.
A sampling of projects includes on-boarding new employees, new product development, customer order delivery, hospital admissions, production scheduling, accounts payable, maintenance, and product assembly.
What support will be available to me as I complete my Lean certification?
Your assigned coach, will be available based on your preferences. You can connect with your coach via email, telephone, Zoom meetings, or through the learning management system. This customized approach allows you to get the most out of the course.
We are passionate about developing Lean leaders through education, application, and coaching. You will not be alone on this journey of discovery.
Can my organization go through Lean certification as a group?
Yes. It is very common for an organization to send waves of people through training. A Lean Transformation program is more energized and successful when everyone is on the same page.
Contact us to learn more.
How long does a Lean certification last?
Our Lean certifications need to be renewed every 3 years.
Our certification maintenance program is focused on keeping your skills refreshed through continuing education, improvement projects, and giving back.
Find more at Certification Maintenance.
How is Lean different from Lean Six Sigma?
Research into Lean Six Sigma reveals it is much more about Six Sigma and tends to have very little about the rich features of a Lean Transformation. Lean Six Sigma will often treat Lean as a collection of tools, you can sometime use when you work on a Six Sigma project.
Descriptions of Lean Six Sigma will often place a strong emphasis on using the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) methodology. This methodology is big for Six Sigma projects and not very common for Lean projects.
You can learn more at What is Lean Six Sigma?
Can a Lean certification be integrated with other management systems?
Yes. Lean certifications can easily fit into other management systems.
Lean is more than a set of tools, it’s a mindset of empowerment and improvement. This transformational mindset can support many successful management systems.
Lean Education Standards
Professional Certifications
Certified Lean Practitioner
Certified Lean Expert
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About Transformance Advisors
Transformance Advisors is dedicated to crafting sustainable organizations by providing comprehensive solutions which empower individuals and organizations to achieve success. The firm is based in Boulder, Colorado and specializes in Lean Transformation, the #1 organizational improvement program. They lead the industry by leveraging online and hybrid approaches to provide education and coaching to organizations and individuals. They support organizations seeking to empower their employees to improve processes and deliver continuous improvement, as well as individuals seeking professional credentials to document their knowledge and propel their careers.