Gaining Alignment
Our comprehensive supply chain improvement program provides your team with all the tools and knowledge required to align your supply chain. We significantly improve your ROI by compounding the synergistic effects of four critical components working together:
- Methodology: Our research and experience has revealed the key to success is executing well-defined projects. These projects must engage employees to create alignment across all functional silos from suppliers to customers and then transition each process to continuous improvement.
- Measurement: Achieving bottom line results while gaining alignment are critical aspects of any supply chain improvement program. We help you measure what’s important and eliminate those destructive measurements which cause people to chase the wrong rabbits. You will know progress is being made.
- Coaching: Our experts provide guidance at the critical milestones. We help you organize for success, engage all functional areas, select the right projects, assess your progress, and make course corrections. We bring the assessments, knowledge, experience, and templates you need.
- Community: The power of multiple organizations leveraging the same program allows everyone to share best practices and seek help from others who have overcome similar challenges. Our community is actively collaborating to incorporate emerging trends into our program and share knowledge of what works and what doesn’t.
While each of the above four components provides great value, it is the synergy between them which allows our comprehensive program to be much greater than the sum of the parts. As a result, your ability to align your processes, people, and partners is far better than any alternative approach.
Let’s look closer and each component.

1. Methodology
We help you begin your supply chain alignment program with assessments of your processes, people, and partner relationships:
- Our comprehensive supply chain audit will examine your critical processes from suppliers to customers
- Our planning assessment will analyze your processes in terms of the ideals of High Flexibility Scheduling
- Our supply chain management knowledge assessment will evaluate your people and identify opportunities for improvement
We analyze the results of these assessments with a sharp focus on your strategic initiatives. From there, we work with you to identify and implement improvements with an emphasis on 90-day projects.
The framework for learning is built into our project-based training courses. These courses provide the right level of knowledge and skills for everyone in your organization.
2. Measurement
Our research has identified how executive sponsors, of a supply chain improvement program, want proof the functional silos are coming down and a transformation is taking place. Leaders want to know the score.
We accomplish this by taking the pulse of the culture, for an organization, at the beginning of the journey and monitor progress at key milestones. We help your leadership team see how the culture is improving, as employees become engaged in projects and begin aligning around shared goals.
Beyond the aspect of a cultural transformation, we also evaluate the performance, of your processes, to ensure your organization is becoming more effective. Success looks like improved customer service, increased revenue, reduced costs, faster product development, and happy stakeholders.
3. Coaching
Our approach to coaching your team is to provide knowledge and guidance at critical milestones in the journey. We teach your team how to fish, let them practice fishing, provide suggestions, and then get out of the way.
Beyond the coaching provided during individual projects, we also help you during the other phases of your journey.
We can help you:
- Establish your alignment initiative
- Organize for success
- Conduct supply chain audits
- Conduct planning audits
- Conduct knowledge assessments
- Join the community of leaders
- Monitor progress
- Make course corrections
4. Community
Our supply chain alignment program depends upon the power of a community to drive the sharing of best practices and adoption of emerging trends.
Public courses, tours, networking, and our Transformance Communiqué provide the opportunity to learn from other organizations which are taking on similar challenges.
The structure of our educational events promotes the sharing of ideas by all participants. Leveraging group exercises and open discussion, participants learn how to improve while also providing suggestions to their classmates.
Opportunities also exist for advanced levels of engagement. Your team can host a tour, contribute to course development, present at a community event, or showcase a success story in the Transformance Communiqué.
Putting it all Together
We have assembled the components which provide an incredibly effective means for aligning your supply chain:
- Our methodology leverages project-based training courses - providing an exceptional value as you simultaneously grow capabilities and reap rewards
- Our commitment to results puts a focus on measuring the cultural change and ensuring alignment across all functional silos to deliver improved customer and financial performance
- Our coaching approach emphasizes knowledge transfer to empower your people to find and eliminate the root causes holding your organization back from achieving your mission
- Our community of like-minded organizations provides access to others who are taking the same journey - you will benefit from collaboration and contribute to improve the community, thereby increasing the value you receive
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