By Mike Loughrin, CEO for Transformance Advisors
Just about every bicycle riding enthusiast has heard of rails-to-trails, the wonderful practice of turning abandoned railroad lines into linear parks for biking, walking, or whatever.
The First
The first documented rails-to-trails was created in 1965 on a former Chicago and North Western Railway segment running from Elroy to Sparta in Wisconsin. This is one of the most famous trails and is on the bucket list for most serious bikers.
The trail is 32.5 miles in length with 34 bridges and three tunnels carved through solid rock. The Kendall and Wilton tunnels are 1/4 mile long and the Norwalk tunnel is just over 3/4 mile long. The tunnels are dark and cool, with water from springs above the tunnels trickling down onto the trail.
It was on my bucket list and I am pleased to announce that I have made the pilgrimage and accomplished my goal.

Getting Started
Tunnel 2
Moving On Down The Line
Tunnel 3
On to Sparta
Mike Loughrin is the CEO and Founder of Transformance Advisors. He also teaches for Louisiana State University Shreveport and is on the board of directors for the Association for Supply Chain Management Northern Colorado.
Mike brings exceptional experience in industry, consulting services, and education. Mike has helped organizations such as Levi Strauss, Warner Home Video, Lexmark, and Sweetheart Cup.
Keeping a commitment to a balanced life, Mike loves downhill skiing, bicycle rides, and hiking in the mountains. See one of his trails of the month at: Little Switzerland.
Gila Cliff Dwellings
Tomorrow River Trail
Topsail Hill State Park
Little Switzerland Trail
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The 400 State Trail by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Elroy Sparta State Trail by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources